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Osho Never Born Never Died Celebration


Wir feiern den Tag, an dem Osho seinen Körper verließ, in jedem Jahr.


19:00 Uhr 
Abendmeditation mit Live-Musik

Osho hat am 19. Januar 1990 in Pune seinen Körper verlassen. Wenige Wochen zuvor wurde Osho gefragt, was nach ihm mit seiner Arbeit geschehe. Seine Antwort lautet: 

"My trust in existence is absolute. If there is any truth in what I am saying, it will survive … The people who remain interested in my work will be simply carrying the torch, but not imposing anything on anyone … I will remain a source of inspiration to my people … I want them to grow on their own – qualities like love, around which no church can be created, like awareness, which is nobody's monopoly; like celebration, rejoicing, and remaining with fresh, childlike eyes … I want my people to know themselves … And the way is in." – Osho


Tel. 0221-57407-0

Di, Mi:  16:00 - 20:30 Uhr
Do - Sa:  08:30 - 20:30 Uhr
So:  08:30 - 18:30 Uhr


Freitag, 19.01.2024
19:00 Uhr

5 €

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